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Contact Civic Tax Relief

Get in Touch

We’re ready to help you deal with the aggressive collection policies of the State/IRS tax agencies. Our team of tax experts include consultants, attorneys, Enrolled Agents and CPAs. Reach out today.


555 Anton Blvd., Suite 150
Costa Mesa, CA 92626




(888) 273-2327

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Why Would You Get An IRS Debt Tax Attorney?

Why Would You Get An IRS Debt Tax Attorney?

People are afraid of IRS. After all, it was the IRS that sent the notorious mob boss Al Capone to jail for 11 years, not the FBI. Most people do NOT think of needing a tax attorney until they get notice of an audit or the dreaded "CP504B: Notice of intent to seize...

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Resolve Tax Debts From A One Time Mistake

Resolve Tax Debts From A One Time Mistake

When it comes to having adult responsibilities, no one is usually jumping with excitement to do their taxes. It can be a long, complicated and tedious process so no wonder it's one of those chores we put on the back burner. However, that kind of procrastination is...

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How Will A Tax Lien Impact You?

How Will A Tax Lien Impact You?

  A tax lien is the government's legal claim to seize all personal property and assets of a taxpayer who has failed to pay a tax debt. Tax liens are also public information so having one filed against you can have some pretty negative implications. However, no matter...

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